Are you looking for photos of your child competing at Knox or you just want to see the action shots?

If you are new to Knox LAC or even if you have been at Knox for a few years, did you know we have dedicated photo page, where photos of our athletes competing are uploaded each week during the season.

You can find photos of the current season and past seasons including winter cross country at our dedicated photo page

We receive many compliments around the track and pleased to know that so many of you check out the photos. If there is a particular photo you would like in a higher resolution please email with the date and photo number.

About Our Photographers

Knox LAC Official Photographers have been authorised by the Knox LAC Executive Committee and all have completed a Working with Children check. All photographers use their own equipment, at no cost to the Knox Little Athletics Centre, and spend many hours after the events processing the photographs and making them available to the Knox website.

The centre ensures that photographers are rostered each week and photos taken depend on what events are actually being conducted at the time.

To ensure all events run smoothly and for safety reasons, only authorised Knox LAC photographers (wearing the green Knox LAC photographer’s tops) are permitted to take photos from inside the track and fence.

Parents / Guardians are welcome to take photos of their own children and must do so from outside the track perimeter fence.

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