EMR Track and Field Carnival 2024-25- Parent Duty Roster, Latest Table and Information.

If you are heading to the EMR Carnival this weekend there are some important information for you that you need to be aware of. Families entered will have received an email today regarding this weekend.

Event: 2024-25 Coles Region Track & Field Carnival
Dates: Saturday 15th February and Sunday 16th February 2025
Location: Yarra Ranges Athletics track, Burdap Drive, Mount Evelyn

Key Links:
EMR Track & Field Information Page
Draft Timetable (as of 9.2.25)
Athlete Entrants
Athlete Information
Parent Duty Roster (v2)
Live Results (Results Hub)

Parent Duty Roster (v2)
We have received the duty allocation from EMR – while there have been some late changes to the allocations today, you can download the duty roster here.

Please note: Parent duty at EMR Track and Field Carnival is compulsory. A reminder that all parents agreed to the condition of undertaking duty when registering. We have significantly more duty than previous years and there is little chance of changing your duty now that has been allocated to you.

Note: Knox LAC does enforce the following policy:
If you do not turn up for the duty assigned to you, or you do not complete your duty as required, your child will be scratched from all their events and will take no further part at any regional or state competition.
If you cannot do the duty assigned to you, you are responsible for finding another person to do that assigned duty, and advise the Knox LAC Team Manager without delay of the change.
Please remember, that when performing a duty, LAVic requires that you must wear enclosed shoes when officiating, (no thongs, sandals). Please see information on performing your duty in the Athlete Information booklet.

Parent/Athlete Information Booklet
LAVic have a Parent/Athlete information for the Region Carnivals. You can download a copy here. Please read the booklet as it contains important information about the event.

Call Rooms
There will be marshalling points for Field Events and a Separate Call Room for Track Events. You must arrive at the Call Room no later than 20mins before the scheduled event time. Do not attempt to go to the Call Room after the Closing of the Call Room you will miss your event.

Track Call Room Opens – 20mins Prior to the Event
Track Call Room Closes – 10mins Prior to the Event
Field Event Marshalling Procedure – Marshal at Field Marshal Point 20 mins prior to event

Supervision of Children
All athletes attending the meet must be supervised by their parent or guardian at all times. There is to be no dropping off athletes.

Knox Uniform and Coles Badges

The uniform to be worn is the Knox LAC competition top and black shorts. The shorts must not to have any pockets and brand logos are to be smaller than 4cmx4cm.
Spikes – must not be longer than 7mm. Spike information can be found in the athlete information booklet.

There should be no Knox LAC athletes without a Coles badge on their top. Please ensure that a Coles badge is sewn on the top right above the LAVic logo.

Do You Need Uniform?

If you need uniform for this weekend the very last chance to purchase uniform by emailing Michelle uniforms@klac23.org.au or looking at our ‘Buy Sell Swap Facebook Page’.
There will be no chance to purchase uniform at the track on the weekend.

Please do not forget your Name Patch. We will not have the ability to replace them on the day.
If you require a new one, you must let me know by Thursday night. A new patch will cost $5.


Knox LAC Team Location
The Knox LAC tents will be setup Friday and we will confirm location following. The team managers table will be set up and parents on duty will need to check in with the team manager 10mins before their scheduled duty time.

Good Luck to all the Knox Athletes Competing.

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Knox Championship Day 2025 – Do I qualify?

The Season 2024-25 Knox Championship Day is our last Track & Field event for the season.

To qualify for Championship Day athletes who have been registered from the start of the Season must have participated in a minimum of 8 available competition days (50%).
Athletes who registered after Christmas must have participated in a minimum of 5 available competition days (90%).

If you need to check whether you qualify for Knox LAC Championship Day you can see the qualification list below. We have included last weekends meets from Berwick, Sherbrooke, Ringwood and State Combined.

2025 Championship Day Qualifying Listing as of 2.2.2025

The qualification list will be updated following this weekends competition.

Championship Day Event Details still to be confirmed. Please wait for further information and links to the event registration portal.

Athletes must have participated in a minimum of 50% of available competition days before and after Christmas; OR if registered after Christmas, participated in a minimum of 90% of available competition days.


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We’re Back at Knox Track!!

We are so excited to announce that we received handover of the track from Knox City Council on Friday the 31st of January 2025.

What does this mean for us?

The track will be open to the general public as of 9am on Monday the 3rd of February, 2025.

Knox Little Athletics training sessions will return to the KNOX LITTLE ATHLETICS TRACK as of Monday 3rd of February unless otherwise advised. Keep an eye on our socials to stay up to date.

We would like to thank all of our families and Little Athletes for being so patient whilst we waited for our track to be completed. We cannot wait to see the faces of our Little Athletes to see the upgrade track. It really is an amazing sight!

Whilst we will back training at Knox from Monday, we are not yet ready to hold weekly competitions at Knox. There is still work to be done to get us to this point. Most importantly we do not yet have our new timing cameras. Rest assured we are working as hard as we can to get back onto the track ASAP.

Working bee will be held next weekend – details will be provided in the coming days.

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2024/25 State Combined Event Championships @ Bendigo

Good luck to all our 26 athletes heading to State Combined this weekend in Bendigo. All Knox athletes that entered will have received an email from the team managers with the latest information, duty roster, timetable and contact information.


The roster has been setup so that each family will do similar amounts of time on duty for the days they are at the Combined Event.

Please note your duty and time and ensure that you report to our team manager 15 minutes before the start of your duty time. As the duty roster is set, there will be little chance of changing it.

Please note: Parent duty at State Combined Event is compulsory. Parents must complete their duty at the allotted time.

Knox LAC does enforce the policy that any family that does not turn up for duty, or complete their allotted duty – their child will be withdrawn from competition and take no further part.


Athletes are required to wear their Knox Centre uniform which conforms to the standards as defined in the LAVic Centre Uniform Booklet. Athletes must have the Coles badge sewn onto their uniform top above the LAVic logo and their weekly Registration patch attached to the front.

Please see the Knox Team Manager as soon as you arrive at the venue to have your name ticked off and uniform checked – noting that all visible logos on shorts/bike shorts need to be covered if they are larger than 4cm with black tape so they are not visible. Check by using the 50c test.

If for any reason your athlete will not be participating in the State Combined Event – please notify Jess Dux (Team Manager Sat & Sun) immediately on 0412 643 877 or Nathan Dux (Team Manager – Saturday) on 0412 345 351.

Saturday Team Managers – Jess Dux 0412 643 877 and Nathan Dux 0412 345 351
Sunday Team Manager – Jess Dux 0412 643 877

State Combined Event Page
Event Information for Athletes & Families
Confirmed Entrants
Group Allocations
Final Timetable – Saturday
Final Timetable – Sunday
Event T-Shirt
Venue Map
Parking Map
*Alberta Youth Scoring Tables (u9-u14)
*IAAF Scoring Tables for Combined Events (u15-u17)

**There is a new in effect “Heat Policy” by LAvic – 37 & 38 degrees each day – but the new policy also takes into consideration Humidity. This will be constantly reviewed by LAvic over the weekend on doubt.

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Updated LAVic Heat Policy

Little Athletics Victoria has updated its Heat Policy which is now in effect – for a full review of the updated policy please click here. The new policy reviews not only the Temperature (Air Temperature) but also Relative Humudity.

This policy is activated when any of the following apply:

  • Forecast temperature is above 26C.
  • A Heat Heath Alert is issued for the relative region of Victoria in which the event will
    take place.
  • A total fire ban has been declared.

    While the policy is activated when the forecast temperature is above 26C, modifications are
    more likely to be required at much higher temperatures and/or humidity.

    LAVic, Regions, Centres and Clubs will promptly communicate any potential or actual
    changes and mitigation strategies if there is a risk of exertional heat illness to participants


To obtain a forecast of temperature and humidity for the upcoming 7 days:
i. Visit: http://www.bom.gov.au/places/ and enter the location/post code;
iii. Select the specific day/date of enquiry;
iv. Identify the column with the nearest time to the planned competition/practice;
v. Note the “Air Temperature (˚C)” value;
vi. AND IN THE SAME COLUMN, note the concurrent “Relative Humidity (%)” value
found towards the bottom of the entry for that date.

Refer to the following chart to determine the relative risk of planned Little Athletics activities.
Note: Little Athletics activities scheduled to take place during conditions forecast as ‘Extreme’ should not proceed.

The aim of LAVic’s Heat Policy (the Policy) is to:

  • Protect the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone who participates, including
    athletes, volunteers, families, coaches and officials.
  • Detail strategies for participation to continue with appropriate mitigation and risk
    management strategies in place.
  • Provide guidance to event, competition and training organisers regarding the
    effective management of hot and extreme weather conditions.
    Should a person wish to make any enquiries in relation to this Policy, please contact the
    Little Athletics Victoria Chief Executive Officer at office@lavic.com.au.

This policy applies to the following activities where LAVic and our Regions, affiliated Centres
and Clubs have a duty of care to participants:

  • Weekly Centre competitions
  • Centre Championships
  • Centre Competition trials
  • Open Days
  • Centre training
  • Camps
  • Clinics
  • Social activities
  • Working bees
  • Education courses
  • LAVic State & Region competitions

This policy is activated when any of the following apply:

  • Forecast temperature is above 26C.
  • A Heat Heath Alert is issued for the relative region of Victoria in which the event will
    take place.
  • A total fire ban has been declared.

    While the policy is activated when the forecast temperature is above 26C, modifications are
    more likely to be required at much higher temperatures and/or humidity.

    LAVic, Regions, Centres and Clubs will promptly communicate any potential or actual
    changes and mitigation strategies if there is a risk of exertional heat illness to participants

Requirements for LAVic, Regions, Centres and Clubs to determine heat risk levels include:

  • Assessing the risk of any upcoming training sessions, activities, competitions or events.
  • Obtaining local weather forecast before and on the day of training sessions,
    activities, competitions and events.

Making Decisions

  • Weekly Centre/Club competitions & training are the responsibility of the Centre/Club
  • Centre Championships are the responsibility of the Centre committees.
  • Centre Competition trials are the responsibility of the Centre committees.
  • Centre Open Days are the responsibility of the organising Centre Committee.
  • Camps are the responsibility of the organising body.
  • Social activities are the responsibility of the organising body.
  • Working bees are the responsibility of the organising body.
  • State education programs such as skills clinics, training courses and training squads
    are the responsibility of the LAVic Education Manager and CEO.
  • Region events are the responsibility of the Region Competition Director, the LAVic
    Competitions Manager and the CEO.
  • State competition events are the responsibility of the LAVic Competitions Manager
    and the CEO.
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