Coaching > Summer Track & Field

Our normal training days during Track and Field season are Monday and Wednesday, with some other events coaching on other days – all training is held at Knox Park. We do have some coaches continuing their training away from Knox Park for the remainder of the 2024-25 Season, please contact your Coach to confirm location of your training.

We offer training in the full range of Track and Field events, including: Running, Relays, Sprints (60-400m), Middle Distance (800-1500m & Cross Country), Hurdles (60-400m), Jumps (Long Triple & High Jump), Throws (Shot put, Discus, Javelin) and Walks.

To attend training at Knox you must have a current registration as a little athlete.
If you are from another centre and want to train with Knox LAC Coaches, please contact the coach of the event you wish to train with before attending training. Places in training groups will be given to Knox LAC Athletes on a first come first served basis as a priority before athletes from other centres.

Special coaching is held for new events for various ages every year at the start of the season particularly for  U11 including Javelin, Block Starts, Hurdles, High Jump & Triple Jump. These will be scheduled early in the season. The Knox coaches run event clinics & coaching for these athletes & also older athletes who want a refresher. Please see above link for more details on these clinics.

Wearing Spikes
U6 – U10 – No spike shoes allowed
U11, U12 – All individual events up to and including 400m and all Relay events, Jumps and Javelin
U13 and above – All events except Race Walks and all jump events and Javelin

Buying Spikes
For those of you who are looking at purchasing spikes this season, the attached flyer is a good guide on what to look out for, plus some useful tips. Click here

For more information, please contact our Executive Committee

Coaching Sessions for Season 2024-25

The coaches strongly advise against any event specialisation before U12 to ensure all round skill development & quality foundation skills.
Prior to attending coaching for the first time, please contact the relevant coach t check that training is on as indicated avove.
Be sun smart – drink regulary, use sunscreen, wear a hat & appropriate clothing.
Coaches reserve the right to limit numbers where safety, control, equipment & varying ages and skill differences become an issue.
Age restricted training ia as listed. If there is no specific age listed then training is suitable for all ages.
Non KLAC training sessions are not KLAC sanctioned Little Athletics training. Coaches may charge athletes for attending. You may be required to bring your own equipment as KLAC
does not provide access to its equipment or facilities for these training sessions. These sessions are at venues run by other clubs/centres. These centres may charge additional
membership or associate membership fees. KLAC takes no responsibility for these sessions and if you attend you do so at your own risk. KLAC does not cover any additional fees at Non
KLAC venues. Please contact the coach before attending.

Please Note:
Non KLAC training sessions listed above are not sanctioned little athletics training. Coaches may charge athletes for attending. Some of the non KLAC sessions listed are being conducted by Knox Athletics Club (Seniors Club) and are conducted on the senior club training nights.

Coaching sessions including private lessons during public access times are not sanctioned little aths training and you will be required to bring your own equipment. KLAC does not provide access to its equipment or facilities for these training sessions.

KLAC takes no responsibility for these sessions and if you attend you do so at your own risk. Please contact the coach before attending.