Update to Working With Children Check

The Working with Children Check (WWC) was implemented to protect our children from harm from Physical Contact to face-to-face communication. 

Currently, all Centre and Club committee members, chief officials, coaches and volunteers without children at the Centre require a current WWC Check.

Now with technology playing a huge part in our children’s lives, the WWC Check will change to incorporate electronic, written and oral communication to protect children from on-line predators. This change will take effect from 1 August 2017.

For Knox LAC, this means that whoever manages websites and social media for the Centre or its Clubs must also have a current WWC Check.

In preparation for the new season, we will be working with committees to ensure appropriate people have a current WWC Check.

To apply for the WWC Check (it’s free!), please go to www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au.

If you have any questions regarding the WWC Check, please contact Rebecca Prys at childprotection@klac23.org.au.

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