From the President – A Special Thank You

The Executive Committee would like to advise that Michael Hough and Kael Rushton are both finishing their roles at the centre. Both are starting new work placements and won’t be returning in 2023.

I would especially like to acknowledge Michael’s contribution to the centre over the past 16 years, not only as an athlete, but also as a coach and an official, and now more recently Michael’s role in First Aid. As an athlete Michael was awarded Best Overall Male Athlete in season 2015-16 and in season 2017-18 Michael was awarded the KLAC Volunteer Award for his contribution to the centre.

It has been a pleasure to watch Michael grow from an athlete to a coach, to an official and to become a mentor and friend to many of our younger athletes. I am sure that Michael will be missed by many.

The Executive Committee wishes both Michael and Kael best of luck for their new careers and all the best for the future. We thank Michael and Kael for their continued support of the centre over the years.

David Kearsley

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