Knox little Athletics is pleased to announce launch of the Knox Championship Day on the 24th February 2024.
Venue: Knox Park Sporting Complex, Bunjil Way, Knoxfield
Registrations Have Now Closed
Updated timetable is now available. You can download the updated timetable (as of 22/02/24) below:
Duty Roster
Duty is compulsory for Parents of competing Knox LAC athletes. Parents must do duty for either the full morning or afternoon session.
Failure to do so will result in athletes being removed from events.
Please do not ask for an exemption as none will be granted.
If you are unable to do duty – or arrange for someone to do it for you – for the full morning or afternoon session, please do not continue with your entry as we do not want to have to remove your child/ren from events on the day.
Conditions of Entry
Club uniform must be worn with Registration Patch.
No protests will be entered into.
Spikes (maximum 7mm conical or xmas tree) are permitted for U11 to U17.
Knox LAC reserves the right to cancel or postpone the entire event due to extreme weather conditions.
Heats and Finals
Heats/Finals: Athletes will be placed in straight finals for track events up to the maximum entries as per the table below. Where there are more entries received a series of Timed Finals will be used to determine the overall placing of athletes. i.e., Heats and Finals will not be conducted.
Athletes will be randomly placed in finals in those events conducted as Timed Finals. The allocation of lanes for Timed Finals will also be random.
All athletes MUST report directly to the event area 15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the event. Track events take priority—if you have a clash between a track and a field event, report to the field event and advise the Chief.