LAVic State Champs and Track Update

Everyone will now be aware that LAVic has announced today that due to delays in track works at Casey, LAVic State Champs have been moved to Knox.

This does mean that the athletics track at Knox will be available for use up to Wednesday 6th March.

For those athletes that made it through to state champs, our normal training sessions on Mondays and Wednesday will continue after our Championship Day this Saturday through the 6th March.

The track will be closed from Thursday 7th March.

There will be no public or club access to the track from 7th March. This is to allow LAVic to start Bump In and setup for State Champs. The track will then be handed over for the redevelopment works from 12th March.

We do need to thank Knox Council for their quick support of LAVic to ensure that State Champs can go ahead with as little disruption as possible.

We will provide further information as it comes through and thank everyone for their understanding.

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